A fantastic resource for starters or plenaries.
9 question recall grid pupils pick which questions they would like to do ranging in 3 levels.
Mild, Medium or Hot following the Nando’s heat scale.
This allows for differentiation within the classroom and allows for pupils to challenge themselves appropriately .
The resource includes an answer page and markscheme.
This is a general knowledge quiz suitable for ages 13+ but anyone can play.
There is 5 rounds of 10 questions. After each round the answers follow.
I have played this is in the classroom and at home with family over zoom.
It is best played best when you give a random prize at the end of each round e.g. a snorkel, jaffa cakes or a random dvd!
Have fun!
This is a general knowledge quiz suitable for ages 13+ but anyone can play.
There is 5 rounds of questions. After each round the answers follow.
I have played this is in the classroom and at home with family over zoom.
-Picture Round
-Guess the song
-Guess the movie
-Scavenger Hunt
-Guess the celebrity
It is best played best when you give a random prize at the end of each round e.g. a snorkel, jaffa cakes or a random dvd!
Have fun!
Detention Slips, Log and Register Behavior Management
I personally stick these into an excercise book. However, they will be effective online or in a file.
I allow the pupil to complete the form and stick back into my book so i keep all copies. However, these could be scanned online (completed online) or put into a file.
In every meeting I show the pupil each completed document. On the final meeting I bring all three documents to the meeting with parents.
Although it does create a paper trail. It allows pupils to take ownership of their behavior and I have only got to the meeting once.
This is a general knowledge quiz suitable for ages 13+ but anyone can play.
There is 5 rounds of questions. After each round the answers follow.
I have played this is in the classroom and at home with family over zoom.
-Name that flag
-Mental Maths
-Word Scramble
-Brain Teasers
-Guess the Element
It is best played best when you give a random prize at the end of each round e.g. a snorkel, jaffa cakes or a random dvd!
Positive Thoughts Jar for your classroom.
I have introduced this in my classroom and during tutorial.
It has been received very well by pupils and has promoted health and wellbeing in the school.
I have shared it around school and many teachers have also used this resource and it has been taken as a whole school agenda.
Requires very little work. Print the sign and place it on the box (I used a box off my sons toys), cut the thoughts and place them in the box. Best to laminate if possible so thoughts can be reused.
I have also attached a photo as well as the resource to be used.
An A3 document used in my classes.
If pupils behave well or achieve a good grade in class their name goes on the chart and at the end of the week I call home.
It has been very successful in my lesson and I have shared it across school also.
It allows pupils to achieve their own rewards and independently drive themselves for a reward.
Bookflix Display can be used in any department or age group.
The books included in this powerpoint are science themed.
I have included a picture of how I set the display as well as the resource its self.
Best arranged with a black background paper and red edging on the display.
Has been recieved well by all age groups between 11-19.